Contacting Myself in the Afterlife

I had just finished writing my suicide note. Wondering if anyone in my family would bother reading it, I ran away, through the forest, past the bridge, finding the perfect place to end it all. An ambulance was driving by en route to a mental asylum. They noticed me wanting to kill myself, so they jumped out and put me in a straightjacket.

In my cell, they force-fed me TV shows for kids that taught kindness and how we're all special. I was forced to watch. The characters were mocking me. They were all so happy, and yet I knew that the people in the costumes were suffering just as well. I fought back against doctors. They had no time for this, so they grabbed a syringe and stabbed me. I fell asleep.

In my dream, I saw a dark void. A white figure walked up, pointed at the sky, and shot meteors. They looked at me and broke the floor as I fell. When I hit the ground, I was surrounded by masks. The masks spun around me, pointing me towards a bud. I opened it and saw myself. It was my exact opposite. On the walls were my family. A live feed of them reading my suicide note and crying.

As sudden as it began, the feed stopped and everything went dark. I died in my sleep. Well, I had finally died, as I had wanted, but I never saw them again. I was unable to watch my funeral from the afterlife. I was just stuck in a void.

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