The Voices Never Stop

I know for a fact that I'm mentally ill. No one in town ever wants to help me, not even my parents. They think it's all a lie or that medicine or therapy won't help me. As such, I've been alone most of my life. Lately, I've been hearing voices and seeing demons who tell me to kill. They want me to give into my anger and kill those who wrong me. I hate violence, but one day the demons overpowered me, took control of my body, and made me kill. I started with my parents. I couldn't have them rat me out. Despite their screams, I couldn't stop myself from attacking them until they were dead. Disgusted, I burned the house down as I ran away, assuring that no one could find their bodies. The voices didn't stop. They made me run to the school where my friends and teachers were. I cried as I ran into the school. I grabbed a gun out of my backpack that I forgot I included. I heard screams. I couldn't tell if it was the students and teachers, me, or the demons roaring at me. Maybe it was a mix of all 3. When everyone saw the gun, everything went silent. In a weak and pained voice, I whispered "Get on the ground." I closed my eyes as I shot at everyone. Even with my eyes closed, I could still see Hell. I saw the students and teachers rotting and burning as my bullets punctured their skin. Those voices were proud of me. As much as I wanted to call the police and turn myself in, the voices made me run. I ended up running to the mall. With such a big bustling place full of all sorts of people, the voices told me that the next step was to become a suicide bomber. I cried and screamed for everything to stop as I felt a bomb in my backpack. The timer was counting down as I cried and ran into the food court. I closed my eyes, plugged my ears, and went into the fetal position as the timer reached 0. I did not see any flames or melting and flying flesh, nor did I hear any screams as the bomb went off. I died instantly. I awoke in Hell. The voices won. No one was there to save me. Despite my mental illness, I knew for a fact that ultimately, Hell was of my own accord.

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