Marking My Territory

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to leave my life behind and just start over. I was never suicidal, so ultimately, I settled on fleeing my hometown to find some uninhabited area that I could call my own.

For a while, it was peaceful. I was all by myself, able to create and express myself freely. No one was there to judge nor stop me. Sure, people wondered where I was, but I just ignored all their attempts at contacting me.

After several months, everyone in my old town began a search party. They scoured every building in all the nearby towns. It wasn't long before they realized that I technically wasn't on any maps.

They headed towards that unclaimed and unnamed land that I chose to rest upon. They yelled at me wondering if I had gone mad for wanting to just give up and abandon them all like that. They ask if they could live here with me, since we were going through an overpopulation crisis at the time. I snapped and started to attack them with whatever I could. I tired them out and placed them in makeshift cages.

The next day, I awoke and saw my collection. I realized that I was their ruler. Technically, I discovered this land which should make me their leader by default, right? I let them out of their cages and said that they could only stay if they did everything I asked them to do. I had my own army. All of them obeyed my every command and allowed me to simply rest eternally as they all slaved away.

Since they were all busy working for me, I secretly fled to the old abandoned town and stole as many machines as I could. I was getting tired of watching them live their lives in pain. Why not just gather machines that can do their jobs for them, and send them away to rot? I'll be at peace again!

Unfortunately, they revolted. They didn't want to be replaced by emotionless lumps of metal. They're all plotting to kill me as we speak. I suppose that all my dreams of creating new works in which I am an innocent hero sent to slay the demons who they are will have to wait. Little do they know that I have weapons on my side. They will be overpowered. They will sign their own death certificates thanks to the metal they rejected. It's time to reclaim my freedom.

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