Hello. I created this server as a way for people to get to know me without having to abide by the character limit in the "About Me" section of my profile.
Yes, I know, some may find it "stupid", or they may think that I'm a "madlad" who is only doing this for the sake of a meme. But I wanted to do this as a way to truly introduce myself to people, put myself out there without the fear of being judged, and potentially using this as a form of self-reflection and "therapy/venting" of sorts.
You don't need to know my pronouns. You don't need to know where I'm from. You don't need to know my romantic and sexual orientation. You don't need to know my star sign. You don't need to know my blood type. However, I like video games, music, coding, media and technology from the 2000's, conventions/cosplaying, ARGs, puzzlehunts, online riddle games, TV Tropes, learning languages, doing impressions, doing stand-up, karaoke, dubbing, learning about different cultures, pawn shops/thrift stores, and inside jokes. I especially love learning lanuages because I want to be welcoming to people who can't read nor speak the Latin script.
I hate social media, memes, slang, emojis, politics, sports, violence, people who use their privileged position to bully people into submission or otherwise get people who displease them in trouble, people who blindly follow every trend they see, people who bully others for not liking things that are "mainstream", people who judge others by ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, interests, personality, et cetera; people who call things that they find stupid or weird "cringey/gay", people only liking something because it's a "meme", people who call art/music/videos et cetera created by other people "cringey/gay" when the people who made the content are just trying to express themselves and have fun, braggers, people who try too hard to be famous, people who try to sound smart but end up looking like arrogant jerks, parents who aren't responsible for what their children do and watch and how it influences their behavior, and instead try to blame creators for making the offending content or ban said offending content; men who feel the need to "defend" their masculinity when faced with something stereotypically enjoyed by women, people who feel the need to inist that they're straight when faced with something stereotypically enjoyed by the LGBT+ community, gold diggers/simps, mooches/leeches, people who are immature/still act the same way they did in high school, people who constantly ask for free stuff, people who call others "furries" because they like media staring animals, and people who feel the need to swear every 5 words to look tough.
I know that my list of things that I hate may drive away some people, but I stand by it. I want to be myself, despite how "out of touch" or how much of an "old person" I appear to be.
I'm proud to have made a few friends here on Discord, and I'm just glad that they treat me with respect and like me for who I am.
Do I have a server of my own? No. I don't feel as if being a mod, or part of any sort of "staff", is something that I truly want. I don't get the whole "status" thing either. Seeing everyone at such high levels makes me wish that I had discovered all the servers that I'm in sooner so I could have gotten closer with people whom I am already friends with, and people who left so I could have met them and possibly became friends! It's like going to a play area for kids, meeting a stranger, hitting it off, then you leave and you never see each other again, and yet sometimes you still wonder where that kid is and what kind of person they are now.
I also don't want to feel like I'm superior to other people. I didn't want to spark any rivalries. I want to meet other people and make friends without worrying about those meaningless "roles" and "labels"! Honestly: I just wish that Discord was a place where people can just chat, make friends, and be themselves, but no. For the most part: it all feels "artificial". I feel like every server that I'm in is jumping the shark and is going commercial only to please the algorithm and become the most popular server. It doesn't feel like I'm in a close group of friends. I feel like I'm in this hollow void completely devoid of creativity and all things original. They don't care about this server. They just want Nitro. They don't feel like people I can open up to and talk to. Eventually, all those servers will run out of ideas and resort to any sort of tactics as long as they stay in the light and gain more "members" and "exp" on Disboard that will ultimately amount to nothing. It's YouTube all over again! Every single one of these servers feel as if they have lost their soul. Sure, everyone is there, but no one is really "expressing themselves", "interacting", or is willing to be different.
I also have that problem with YouTube. Sure: I'm not the best at stuff like art, music, writing, and coding; but at least I strive to be myself and have fun! But a small fanbase still won't be enough to pay the bills. If I were to do something like that, it would be a hobby, and in no way would I consider it to be an actual sustainable career. They all copy each other with no originality whatsoever as they fill it to the brim with ads and product placement, and they talk down to kids for the sake of exploiting them so they join their "fanbase", buy their merchandise, and support them on Patreon; until they run out of ideas and rehash the same old video they did last month hoping that their fans forgot about the video, or that there's enough new fans gullible enough to view it as "original". A true Content Creator does original ideas for fun rather than following the trends of their competitors, the advertisers, and the algorithm.
That's why I'm not really "popular", and why I was labeled as the "quiet kid". Today's teenagers just don't understand me, and chances are: instead supporting me for my originality, they'd call it "gay" and tell me to go kill myself! Think back to the classic "viral videos". If they were posted nowadays, would people care, or support them? That's another reason why I don't understand social media. Gen Z apparently thinks that a random series of images, text, and noise; or someone making weird faces and screaming at the camera is comedy gold! They think it's funny now, but in a few years, they will look back and cringe. Also, I don't know why Gen Z always insults baby boomers and claims Gen Z to be superior. They don't realize that eventually, they will become the new "baby boomer". I've seen it all in terms of "Funny Videos", neither of which were ever funny. First there was MySpace, then there was Vine, and now TikTok; all of which aged like milk once their successors took over as the predominant force of these kinds of videos. Every time I watch one of those compilations, or every time I see my friends watching these compilations, I never laugh, but they always seem to die laughing!
Whatever happened to "It's funny because it's true"? It also applies to memes. Yes, I know that most people on Discord make TikToks and memes. I have seen them. Do I find them funny? No. That's why I would never be able to make TikToks or memes. Due to humour dissonance, I would just end up as the poster child for r/Fellowkids. At least the people whom I have met and consider my friends here on Discord respect the fact that I don't like TikTok and memes. Chances are: you will find me making obscure pop culture references, or some form of self-deprecation. I find them funny. Does everyone? No. But at least I actually put effort into it, unlike memes and TikTok, which appear to be practically randomly generated. As long as at least someone finds it funny, I'm happy. Some forms of comedy age better than others. Due to the average shelf-life of memes being 2 to 3 weeks, or possibly days, chances are: you'll cringe by watching your old TikTok videos or pictures saved on your phone.
Are you even reading this shit? Chances are: you're not. You just laughed at it, and you're probably showing it to your friends talking about what a loser I am for taking the time to vent and be honest about myself in the hopes of making friends.
If you're willing to give me a chance, then by all means: feel free to send me a friend request, or DM me. Just don't turn me away and call me "weird", "stupid", or "gay" like back in middle school and high school.