Awaiting Friendship

I have had my eyes on them for years. I have studied them. I watched their movements from afar. I see them talk about their hobbies, their family and friends, where they live, and their deep dark secrets. I've seen their house. I finally know where they live. It's time to kill!

Of course, all of this will be happening tomorrow. I'm far too tired right now. I need energy to run from the police and stay sane after hearing their screams and seeing their blood spill and life fade from their eyes. Closing my eyes, I fall asleep, happily thinking about the look on their face when they see my weapons drawn to them.

In my dream, I'm in my house, sitting in my living room, just browsing my phone aimlessly. The TV is on, but I'm not the one watching it. I turn my head to see my target sitting on a chair.

"It's been a while since we last hung out," they said, "It's nice to finally catch up, you know?"

"Why are you here?" I asked, "Why aren't you screaming and calling for help?"

"What do you mean? You invited me to watch TV, play some video games, and just catch up after not seeing each other for a while."

"You're not a friend. You're my target! I stalked you for years, and I plan to kill you!"

They just laughed.

"You're always so funny with your non sequiturs! How the hell do you come up with that material on the spot?"

I laughed too. A genuine laugh. I never laugh in real life. Come to think of it, I hardly smile in real life too. I'm so cold and serious and yet this stranger is just making me laugh.

I woke up eager to meet them… as… a friend.

I walked up to their house and knocked on their door.

"Yes?" they said answering it.

"Let's be friends!" I said to them.

"Who are you?"

"Don't you remember? You were in my dream! We had a good laugh together like old friends! Let's make it a reality!"

"Not interested."

I frowned.

"Why aren't you happy?"

"You just showed up at my house without warning."

"I found out!"


"I've been watching you from afar, eavesdropping on your conversations. I know everything you like and how to keep you engaged and happy. Don't leave me! I have been waiting for so long!"

"Get the fuck out of my face before I call the police!"

I froze.

"You're nothing like the dream… All these years wasted watching you, and you refuse to be my friend? I have studied you! I know everything about you! Let me into your life!"

I pulled out my knife.

"If I can't be friends with you, then let me have the satisfaction of watching your final moments! Not even your other friends will know what happened to you! They're nowhere near as we speak! They won't hear your screams!"

I stabbed them as they screamed.

"You haven't screamed that loud since watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre five years ago back in March! You even mentioned to your friends how you would be there for them! Hell, they showed up to your parents' funerals! Your mother died 2 years ago and your father died last year! They were there! I saw you talk about it! How the last gift they gave you was the complete collection of Discworld! You mentioned it for about 6 months! Your friends were there for you during tough times! WHERE WAS I? WHERE ARE YOUR "FRIENDS" NOW?"

They fell to the ground. I checked for a pulse and found none. They were dead.

"Out of all your friends, I'm the only one who has killed you, and I'll be the only one to kill you!"

I froze.

"Now we can't be friends… You're gone…"

My face made a twisted smile as I aimed the knife at myself.

"But that doesn't mean that I can't join you!"

I stabbed myself as I laughed.

"Even in God's kingdom, you can't escape me! I'll have a nice set of wings with which I can do anything! My miracles shall only be fulfilled to give you torment! Become the next Lucifer and fall into Hell with me! BE MY FRIEND!"

I fell to the ground on top of their body. My body grew cold and I closed my eyes as I eagerly waited to see The Pearly Gates. I never did. I never saw them again, because we didn't end up going to the same places. At least I'll have plenty of friends in Hell…

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